Dispensary Scales - NTEP Class II

Class II NTEP Approved Balances are required in the United States for the direct sale (e.g. weighing in front of customer) at Recreational and Medicinal Dispensaries.

We have put together a list of NTEP Approved Scales that fulfill the distribution requirements for California, Colorado, Oregon, and Washington which all require NTEP Class II Scales. California and Oregon only allow Class II Scales with "e" values of 0.01g. Please note Oregon's Department of Weights and Measures has the strictest enforcement in all of the United States where the state requires dispensary balances must be NTEP certified to 0.01 g so the Ohaus SJX Series would not apply.

For larger capacity weighing (pounds and kilograms) or weighing product for packaging, purchase a NTEP Class III Scale.
